Teresa du Laurentia, a pivotal character in the manga 'Solo Max-Level Newbie', brings depth and intrigue to the story with her unique personality and role.
First Appearance: Not appeared yet
A seasoned member of the Fighting Dads Guild, Gitae, Kim, brings his unique skills and battle-hardened experience to the world of Solo Max-Level Newbie.
A supporting character in the manga 'Solo Max-Level Newbie', known for her intriguing role in the story.
The protagonist of Solo Max-Level Newbie, a gaming streamer and content creator who leverages his knowledge of the game Tower of Trials to dominate in a real-world version of the game.
First Appearance: Chapter 1
A loyal and powerful summon of Kang Jinhyeok, the protagonist of Solo Max-Level Newbie, known for his unique abilities and unwavering dedication.
A mysterious and powerful figure in the world of Solo Max-Level Newbie, Alice von Ataraxia is a complex character with a rich backstory and intriguing personality.